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10 Meditative Writings for Everyday Life and Higher AwarenessWould you like to add '10 Meditative Writings for Everyday Life and Higher Awareness'?


Sometimes messages come to me through soul work and spontaneous writing. I call this meditative or automatic writing. It consists of short and powerful explanations of everyday topics.


Includes topics: Sleep, Karma, Goal, Ego, Soul, Job, Self-improvement, Couples therapy, Children, and Family.


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Personal growth

Why do our desires and actions sometimes not align? Part 2.

Question: What about flipping a coin for two ideas and observing which one you actually wanted based on your reaction?

Answer: There are different tricks. Visualization is enough to see if you would be satisfied with something. Sometimes, what we think we want can lead us further away from ourselves because it might take away even bigger priorities. You can have 100% priorities or 100% desires.

Why do our desires and actions sometimes not align? Part 1.

Question: Why do our desires and actions sometimes not align?

For example, someone wants to be rich but does nothing to achieve it. Or they want to have a great car but take no action, and so on. This creates a conflict—wanting to do something and not wanting to at the same time.

Answer: They say the biggest issue is often whether the person really wants it. Whether these are genuine desires at all.

How To Trust Yourself?

Answer: Our lives don’t follow a strictly defined path, so we can accept that wherever we end up, we were meant to be there. This may be easy to say, but it’s true. If we didn’t want something, we wouldn’t have chosen that path. There was something there that we believed would benefit us.

Positive, Negative, and Neutral

Answer: There isn’t much to say about this. In the true sense of the word, negativity can only be seen in a physical form, that is, in physical pain. Everything else depends on perspective. Negativity does not exist outside of our opinions and our beliefs about what we think is positive.


What are panic attacks?

Answer: There can be several reasons for a panic attack. It can be a reaction of the soul to the current situation or a reaction of consciousness. Usually, it is something deeper, and the attacks recur. All discomforts are fundamentally a consequence of an imbalance of the mind or body, where one affects the other.

Why do some people succeed immediately, while others never do?

Answer: This depends on several factors: the level of the soul, the person's willingness to listen, conditions, the period in the world, etc. In theory, anyone can succeed, but it is not necessary that they are already prepared to follow the path that would bring them success. Or the soul might assess that this is not the best path for them. If we follow our desires, even "failure" can be success. Failure is just our perspective on our situation.

Is it good to be realistic?

Answer: Yes and no. It is good to be realistic in our everyday activities, not in our goals. It is important to know how much we can actually achieve in one day based on our work habits. When it comes to goals, it is not necessary to be realistic, because by moving forward we will sooner or later get closer to our goals, depending on our abilities, the time we dedicate, etc.

Sacrificing Yourself for Others

Answer: This concept is somewhat flawed, as it never truly comes to fruition. Those who "sacrifice" themselves for others are actually doing it for themselves. In other words, to some extent, they sacrifice others for themselves. For some, the greatest form of self-care is caring for others. Their life would not be complete without it. 

Can We Truly Grow Up?

Answer: It depends on the soul's experiences. We can appear grown up because of our experiences or because we learn easily from them. People who strive to be grown up may just be covering up their lack of learning from experiences, showing that they haven’t learned anything. Childish people enjoy the process and often don't want to learn something new so that they leave the door open to re-experience it.

Why Are Some People Always Successful?

Answer: Success is a matter of decisions, not character or life path. Character-wise, some people may make better decisions, which is why they are more successful. Decisions are a matter of experience and how quickly we learn from these experiences. Successful people, or those who are often successful, simply learn faster or quickly receive information from a spiritual direction.