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10 Meditative Writings for Everyday Life and Higher AwarenessWould you like to add '10 Meditative Writings for Everyday Life and Higher Awareness'?


Sometimes messages come to me through soul work and spontaneous writing. I call this meditative or automatic writing. It consists of short and powerful explanations of everyday topics.


Includes topics: Sleep, Karma, Goal, Ego, Soul, Job, Self-improvement, Couples therapy, Children, and Family.


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A slightly different article for you: a transcript of a two-hour live meeting that took place on September 14, 2024. I was in a trance for several hours, and the attendees asked a lot of interesting questions! It was conducted in my native language, Slovenian. I will try to make such meetings in English in the future :)


A little photo from our meeting:

zoom meeting tips from beyond september


Question (Tatjana): I’m wondering, is access to healing energies available to everyone who desires it?
They say yes. But it's two-sided – you must be able to receive the energy, and the person you’re healing must also be open enough to allow it.


Question (Bozi): Can anyone learn this?
Yes, basically yes. The state is also something that can be learned. They don’t see anything that would be a barrier, except ourselves. Realistically, not everyone can learn it. Physically, yes, but realistically, no. Energetically yes, humanly no.


Question (Bozi): So, anyone who succeeds in this can do it? But, if 100 people take a healing course, not all will learn it?


Question (Tatjana): But does everyone have the opportunity?


Question (Tatjana): I’m trying to access certain energies that I channel through myself, through my field, to heal people. I’m wondering, are there multiple energies or is it all just one healing energy, and my ability varies? Is there one energy that heals people, or are there multiple?

Answer: They say they see it like a rainbow. Everyone has different colors, but together it’s a rainbow. A person has one energy, composed of several energies, and when you heal, you actually, depending on your openness, choose one of those energies and heal the whole with it. But it depends on what that person needs from the healing. It’s possible that the person doesn’t know how to heal with the right energy because they don’t have it themselves.


Question (Bozi): Does each body have its own energy?


Question (Bozi): Is that natural, or can it be changed?
Natural. No matter what you do, you have your colors, as they see it.


Question (Bozi): So, Tatjana could heal specific parts of the body if she wanted to, but others might not succeed?
No, it’s not so much related to parts of the body. As they see it, it completely depends on how it presents itself to that person. One person might have a certain energy and it could cause them headaches, while for another it might be knee pain, etc. There’s no universal answer.


Question (Bozi): For example, I only have the color orange flowing through me, and another person might need green. To understand better—what does that mean?
It means you can’t help them.


Question (Bozi): Not at all?
No, because it’s like the person has a deficiency in something, and you’re giving them everything else, which they already have in excess. But this becomes apparent very quickly. The person performing the healing will sense that it’s not working. You can feel it.


Question (Bozi): So what’s the solution? To go to another healer?
Yes, they need to keep searching until they find one.


Question (Bozi): So, people who go to thousands of healers are doing the right thing?
Yes. It’s the same as with people. One person may share all your ideas, but you just don’t “click.” Another person might have nothing in common with you, but you connect. There’s no pattern. Even with certain colors – that’s just how they explain it to make it easier to understand. But essentially, it's a bundle of energies for a person. Just because you fully connect with someone doesn’t mean you’ll give them the color they need.


Question (Tatjana): Could we say that this “color” is the frequency we have?
Yes, you could say that. There are many different terms. But typically, it doesn’t change throughout life. We have a base, it’s just that certain colors become stronger than others during our life. Depending on which are weaker, we need more of that. But the colors remain the same, only their intensity changes through experiences, years, etc.


Question (Bozi): So, a person on the healing path should feel if they can’t help someone?
Yes. You should feel some kind of blockage. Just like in friendship or a partnership. You feel a wall.


Question (Bozi): What if the person believes in the healing, but the color is wrong – would anything happen?
They say it depends on how strong that person’s mind is. On the physical level, nothing should happen, but the person might convince themselves that there are results.


Question (Bozi): Like a placebo?
A type of it, yes. But they say you need to be careful with these energies. Because no matter how much we love doing this, a certain percentage of that energy also goes out from us. And we, too, would need healing to some extent.


Question (Bozi): It’s known that bioenergetics die from the diseases they heal…
That’s because they lack the energy that heals that disease. They’re constantly draining it. They don’t replenish themselves.


Question (Bozi): So, it’s not just that you’re channeling energy through yourself, but part of you also goes out?
You give your energy to them. That’s fine when you have an excess of that energy. After a while, though, you might have a deficit, and finding another person who has an excess of what you lack can be a long process. Nature has a bundle of all energies.


Question (Bozi): Let’s say a person feels this energy deficit. Can it only be replenished by another healer? Or can you go to the forest, nature, etc.?
Nature has a bundle of everything. But specific energy is usually found in people.


Question (Bozi): So, going into nature is not enough to recharge?
Long-term, it’s better. Long-term. It takes more time.


Question (Bozi): What does it look like? Do you have to actually live in nature? What does it practically look like to recharge?
Like charging technology. You leave it connected for a few hours. You sit by a tree. Animals have this too. But it’s important to mix things up, so we don’t harm them. It’s not good to always choose the same tree, animal, etc.


Question (Bozi): So, a person would have to do this for a longer time, but a healer could do it faster?
Yes. Through a person, this could be achieved in a week. In nature, it would take 3 weeks to a month. They see it like physical deficiencies. If you take a multivitamin, it’ll take longer to address the issue than if you take the specific vitamin you’re deficient in. That’s how they see it.


Question (Bozi): How does this energy come? Does it come from us?
It comes from us.


Question (Bozi): So, we heal with our own energy?
Yes. They’re not entirely familiar with this because it’s usually not done intentionally. In a way, they see it as an artificial process, because naturally, people would gravitate toward those they need, and others would gravitate toward them. It’s very natural. But since that human connection is missing today, we now need to do it intentionally.


Question (Bozi): So, a person could already gravitate toward a healer and just by being in their presence, the healing would begin? Without the person initiating it?


Question (Bozi): So, years ago, when people were more social, was this happening as some kind of mutual healing?
Yes, but not consciously.


Question (Tatjana): I’m realizing that people have an energetic potential that we bring with us into the world. As a being, you bring a certain potential into the world, the maximum you can reach with your energy. We all have some energy potential; the energy can be lower, but it can’t be higher than that potential.

I’m wondering: this energetic potential, which everyone has with a certain "number," do we bring it from our origin, from our part of the universe? Am I being clear?

You carry some energy within you, but people have different energies. A kind of life energy. Does every person bring with them into the world a certain energy they carry from their origin?

Follow-up question (Bozi): What kind of energy would that be?

Question (Tatjana): The soul has a certain energy. Does every soul have the energy of its source? From its realm, from where it comes?
They say, if they understand the question correctly, yes. But that’s not all the energy we have here. Otherwise, no matter the life the soul is in, we would always have the same energy, but that’s not the case. It mixes with our human variant. Just like colors that we mix on a palette.

The soul’s energy could be blue, for example, and ours could be green. A mix of a different color is created. The base is still one of the soul's colors, but it also mixes with ours. Each life has different energy. But there is a foundational energy, yes.


Question (Tatjana): Is it different because of the human component, while the soul remains the same?


Question (Tatjana): The core of my question is: is our basic energy dependent on which part of the universe we come from?
They see it as both yes and no. It’s common, but not necessarily. For example, souls from the same planet or a similar origin might have similar energy, but not always. Like a family on this planet, you can have relatives who are nothing like you. Just because it’s from the same tree doesn’t mean it’s the same “color.”


Question (Tatjana): Like rooms in a house—living room, kitchen, bedroom—some of us might be from the kitchen, others from the living room, and so on. Do souls have locations based on their energy?
They don’t see it that way.


Question (Tatjana): I’m curious because some people have low energy, and some have very high energy. I know, when I measure people’s energy, what energy healers should have, etc.
They say they don’t see energy as high or low. They just see energy.


Question (Tatjana): They don’t see the soul’s energy as different either?
They see it as different energy, but not as high or low.


Question (Tatjana): I wouldn’t call it low or high, as that’s almost insulting, but could we say that some people have stronger energy?
Answer: No, they just have a certain surplus of energy. "Low" and "high" only define two people whose energy is being measured. But one person may have less of a certain energy, while the other has more of it, and vice versa for another type of energy. It’s like the notes on a piano: even if we talk about low and high notes, they’re both equally strong. The idea that people want to reach a “higher level” isn’t about a higher level. It’s about reaching a stronger version of your energy. It doesn’t mean it will work the same for someone else.

Everything we need as humans to be in balance is simply energetic balance—making sure each “color” is filled enough. Healers should only address what’s lacking. Naturally, a person should gravitate towards the one or thing they need, and when in balance, they’ll move on to other people. They don’t see any benefit in a person focusing on reaching a “higher level,” as it’s not necessary for them.


Question (Tatjana): Now I’m curious about another direction: when I connect with certain civilizations and they work on my “command.” In this case, I don’t involve my body or my personal energy. I’m interested in how they see this type of healing—when I just connect and give them instructions.
Answer: They don’t see anything wrong with it. However, there are some important questions, like how open the person is, whether they’re truly connecting with them, whether those entities can even provide the energy the person needs... It’s possible, but not all civilizations are open enough to transmit that energy.

Again, like colors. The person needs acrylic paints, but they’re using watercolor. It’s possible for a person to connect, which could be more effective, as those above know more than our physical form here and could assess what the person needs faster. They see it as possible, but it’s a more complex matter. When energy comes physically from us, we feel a block in the person when we can’t help them. When we pull energy from elsewhere (if the person needs it), we don’t feel that block. They say we need to be more cautious with those energies.


Question (Bozi): Could this harm a person?
Answer: In theory, it shouldn't because the soul should protect against that, but it is possible that something could cause harm. Like medicine for a healthy person can be harmful or the wrong medicine.


Question (Bozi): Even if the person wanted it?
Answer: They see that it's better to work with your own energy, but it's possible to work with external energy too.
P.S. As an association, they thought of how crystals work. We give our surplus energy for our future self, who will have that deficit. That's how crystals work. At a certain point in your life, you have a surplus, and you fill the crystal with it. When you're lacking that energy, you refill yourself. You are your own healer.


Question (Bozi): You heal yourself?
Answer: Yes, that's the association that came to them from what we were talking about.


Question (Bozi): What’s the best crystal for this?
Answer: You can also charge a flower. It doesn't have to be a crystal, it could be a salt stone. It needs to be something that can hold energy. They see it working even on a physical level. Gold would be a bit harder because the molecules are too tightly packed, and there's no space. A stone, salt, plant, anything that's a bit more porous. A softer stone.


Question (Bozi): It doesn't need to be a natural element?
Answer: Iron and similar materials aren’t suitable. But regular sea stones, crystals, shells, plants, and so on.


Question (Bozi): Can a person do this intentionally? How can they benefit from it? Can I take a crystal and intentionally fill it with my surplus energy?
Answer: They say that you can feel it as a person. If someone is at a point where they can sense their surplus, it’s usually possible. Like when we feel we can't fully empty ourselves, either physically or energetically. You can store that energy, and it will happen automatically. There's no need for a trance. Just hold the crystal. It’s true, though, that the energy doesn't last long there—just a few days to a few weeks.


Question (Bozi): It doesn't last for months?
Answer: No, because it leaks out.


Question (Bozi): Is there no material that could hold it, for example?
Answer: You could create a special box for it to reduce the leaking. Aluminum foil or something similar. Those days when we simply can’t recharge, no matter how much we move, sleep, drink, or eat—this comes in handy. Life has its fluctuations. We’ll have surpluses of energy, and we’ll have dips, and even healers should be careful about themselves. They shouldn’t start healing when they’re already drained. Heal when they’re full.


Question (Bozi): So, when I’m feeling a bit “weak,” I open the crystal and can recharge?
Answer: Yes, depending on how weak you are.


Question (Bozi): Did people sometimes do this intuitively?
Answer: Yes, they usually did it with jewelry, stones, glass, etc. Most worked with plants; when they had a surplus, they would buy a plant and go into nature to empty themselves. When they were empty, they would come back the next day to the same spot to recharge.


Question (Bozi): Very intuitively? Were people more spontaneous back then?
Answer: Yes, because now other things fill us too. We have a lot of surpluses that fill us.


Question (Bozi): Could you give examples of such things that fill us?
Answer: The internet. The internet can fill you. They see that these different energies look different for each person. For some, it’s intellectual, learning. For others, it can be movement. For others, it’s food. Everyone has their own energies through which they empty and fill, and if you’re in some balance of your energies but you introduce additional news or something similar that throws off your intellectual part, then you’ll be out of balance. That’s why people who listen a lot need to write or teach a lot to empty their surplus. That’s how they see it.

Movement has also become non-intuitive because if we have a large surplus of something else, we can’t empty ourselves. What we lack doesn’t help either. If we lack movement but have a surplus of everything else, we can’t even move. We can’t fill ourselves before we empty ourselves. We first need to empty. If a person has a surplus of movement because they’re in the fitness industry, a personal trainer, etc., and they don’t take the time to let that energy empty, it can be harmful. They have a surplus of that, and their intellect can drop.


Question (Bozi): How should a person be in balance? It sounds almost impossible…
Answer: Go by your mood. But first, you need to empty. That’s what they see. First surplus. If we sit down and have too little energy, there’s some surplus. Something is filling us that shouldn’t. If we sit down and can’t be still, it means we have a surplus of some nervous energy. Physical.


Question (Bozi): So, I sit down—how do I determine the surplus?
Answer: Based on how you feel. If you feel fine, you don’t do anything. If you feel tired, you need to empty something.


Question (Bozi): How do I know what to empty? How do I distinguish if I need to empty mentally or physically?
Answer: It’s usually something you can feel. If, for example, resting fills us, it means it was physical fatigue. If sleep doesn’t fill us, it was mental.


Question (Bozi): How to empty this mental surplus?
Answer: Look at your day and see what you’re taking in too much of.


Question (Bozi): So, if I find out I’ve been on the internet for half an hour, should I reduce that?
Answer: Yes, depending on the day. It’s important to track these things a bit if we don’t have a clear picture. It could be too much emotional information or not enough time to process that information. Tracking is the best.

When we have "good" days, you can look back at what you did to get there. That day, you went out more or spent less time on your phone. That day, you were more on the phone, but you were doing other things. You spent more time with friends, less with friends, etc. Our patterns are usually present. It’s not 100%, but if we manage to maintain some routine for a month, then that’s our routine. It can change over that period. Crystals fill us when we need filling. They empty when we need to empty.


Question (Bozi): Does it depend on what you need?
Answer: Yes, but it has to be empty for you to fill it.


Question (Bozi): For example, if I put 10 plants in a space and interact with them a bit, what will these plants do for me?
Answer: Plants have the property of filling and emptying at the same time. More "dead" things, as we see them, are more one-sided; they can’t function both ways at once. So, if you have 10 plants, 8 might be emptying you while 2 are filling you. The next day it could be the opposite. Nature gets its energy from the earth, and it’s not quite fair to have a plant physically enclosed.


Question (Bozi): Could this harm it?
Answer: Yes, it could wilt because it has nowhere to recharge.


Question (Bozi): So, a garden would be better?
Answer: Yes. There has to be somewhere it can also recharge. We have this naturally. The best is nature, but if we feel empty, it’s usually due to a surplus, not emptiness. For example, when do you feel tired? When there’s too much movement, not when there’s too little. It’s the same energetically. When we input too much information, we become mentally exhausted from that. It empties us. Like a battery: the more we use the phone, the more it drains. It won’t recharge. Anything connected to the earth, or plants need to be changed often.


Question (Andrej): How can I achieve my set goals through visualization? Is this possible for me?
Answer: They say it’s possible for everyone. But visualization doesn’t achieve goals. They see it as a way for a person to try to envision themselves as someone who will have that thing. A person who isn’t athletic will use visualization to see what kind of person they need to be to become athletic. That visualization is just a help to see which direction you’re going. Just imagining it won’t bring it. You have to become that person.


Question (Bozi): Do you mean manifestation, Andrej?
Answer (Andrej): Yes.
Answer: They don’t see it that way. They see visualization as just a function of the human mind; the soul knows where to go. We need to explain to the soul where we want to go, and if we’re compatible enough, it will help us. But we have to accept the advice and opportunities that come our way. For example, someone who wants to be an athlete but isn’t physically prepared might have their soul prompt them to find a friend who is an athlete. They invite them to run, but the person declines because they don’t feel like it. That was an opportunity that the person rejected, even though they visualized it.


Question (Andrej): What is the soul's influence on achieving goals? How significant is the influence of the soul?
Answer: It’s limited. It provides guidance, not steps. It doesn’t have the kind of influence we might think. If we meditate or visualize 20 or 24 hours a day, it won’t happen just because we visualize it. Our physical world doesn’t work that way. There are too many possibilities, from compatibility to the realism of your goals and work ethic. For one person, it might help 100%; for another, 20%; and for one, it might help not at all.


Question (Bozi): So the conditions about whether the soul is compatible with me? Is its path compatible with my ideas? How can a person determine if their soul is compatible with their path?
Answer: If things manifest, it means they are compatible.


Question (Bozi): Can the soul physically help? For example, if I want something, can it provide opportunities or assistance?
Answer: The soul will try to guide you in directions that would be beneficial for you. But you have to go there. It can’t force you; it can only guide you like a compass.


Question (Bozi): Does it help if it's not too contrary to its interests?
Answer: Yes. There are many factors. There is no universal answer.


Question (Bozi): If you follow certain guidelines and see that things are working out, can you say you have its help?
Answer: Yes. Regarding visualization, there are also conditions present. There’s still some foundation. If someone is born into a wealthy family and wants to create a successful business, they will need less time for it, regardless of their visualization, than someone born in Africa. They say that the basic conditions include potential, location, situation, etc.

If a person works, sooner or later they will get there. But it’s not necessarily immediate. It can take several decades. It’s like a chef constantly inventing new recipes. Until they try, they won’t know how it will turn out. A micro and macro approach can be used. A smaller goal that is easy to achieve shows how quickly you can reach it and how much resistance you encounter. Based on small goals, you can see whether you perhaps didn’t want it enough or didn’t have a big enough goal, etc.


Question (Bozi): So, if you’re on a certain path for a project and it goes smoothly, can you say you had the help of the soul? If there was a lot of work behind it, was the ego more involved?
Answer: Yes and no. If the path is easier, it was more accessible for your situation. A person has a predefined path without making major changes. Life will follow that path, and most will follow that path. The more our goals align with it, the easier it will be for us to succeed. It’s the path of our conditions, soul, and situation.


Question (Bozi): Does every person have this?
Answer: Yes. If you’re born into a family of shoemakers, it will likely be easier for you to become a shoemaker than to work for NASA. If you follow a defined path, as life has “thrown” you, it will be easier there. This isn’t just related to the soul, but also to life situations and similar factors. If you go down a path that is completely in the opposite direction, you will have to work hard.

One is a defined path, while the other is where you have to create your own path. For example, if you’re born into a family with many children, there’s a high chance you will have children as well. If you decide not to have children, you’ll be taking a much harder path. You might lose the support of family, friends, etc. You may be more satisfied, but you will work harder than someone who went down that path.


Question (Bozi): So, it’s about the path?
Answer: Yes. They see that, for example, those who boast about growing up from nothing and think they had to “work hard,” of course, they had to. They changed their world into a kind of parallel reality. Someone who has it easier will have it easier. Someone who grew up in a family of entrepreneurs is more likely to make better financial decisions than someone who grew up with chef parents.


Question (Bozi): Where does this idea of splitting paths come from? You're on one path, but you want another?
Answer: Either the soul or the ego.


Question (Bozi): The ego can have its own ideas, right?
Answer: Yes, of course. Even for us physical beings, we can like something without the soul. It doesn’t need any foundational idea. For example, if the soul’s idea is to play an instrument, that person will have talent. If the idea comes from the ego, that person will have to work. Talent is a soul thing. Hard work is ours. And usually, when talent exists without effort, it means the person isn't really into it. The soul pulls more in that direction, and we go with it.


Question (Tatjana): What about our angels? What role do they have? Do they pull us more toward our earthly ego desires and such?
Answer: Angels mostly protect our physical form here. They don’t have much to do with the path, but with safety.


Question (Andrej): How can I communicate with my soul, or how can I have a conversation with it?
Answer: They say that if things you set out to do go smoothly, it means it somehow aligns with the soul. If you’re dealing with things that don’t go smoothly, then the soul can’t help you. You have to do the physical work. The soul pulls in one direction, and if that doesn’t align with our ego or physical presence here, it’s very hard to convince them.

Sooner or later, they will go with us, but we have to persist enough for them to see that we are serious. Things will start to unfold, but we must persist physically. We need to withdraw from the energetic world and do what we know on this planet.


Question (Bozi): I assume not every soul is so unyielding... Are there also softer, more yielding ones?
Answer: It depends because they have their own ideas too. They also think they are doing good. The soul has a foundation to protect you. If you’re a sensitive person, shy, or anything similar, it will try to protect you from exposure in a certain direction. Your ego disagrees. The soul knows you better than you know yourself. It knows you in the moment you are. It doesn’t realize that you will become more resilient through this path. It wants to protect the current you, but you need to give it the sense that you will be okay. You show that by being okay. As they say, you have to see to believe. It’s the same with the soul.

If the soul wants to go in one direction and you want to go in another, it usually shows that things don’t go easily. Things are always moving on the physical planet. Results will always come. But they can be very slow or minimal. Action, reaction. That’s physics. If the results are extremely small or if you have to struggle a lot for them, it means that the soul is somehow not convinced that this path is right for us. And the longer we persist on this path, sooner or later the soul will switch and accept. In certain cases, we have to be stronger than the soul.

It depends again on compatibility and similar factors. Usually, we feel this. There’s no need to talk to it one-on-one. There’s no need to think about it either. There are things behind the scenes that go easier for us, but that doesn’t necessarily satisfy us. So, we can go down an easier path to gain finances, but we may wish to go down another path to feel good. It’s good to take the path that is easier so we don’t give up. For example, a hobby should be something for our ego, not for the soul, because hobbies usually don’t bring much.


Question (Bozi): I always thought a hobby was for the soul, not for the ego…
No, things that come easily are what we need to pursue. They finance us on this earth because we won’t have to struggle. Things that come easily should bring in money. Things that are difficult are for your ego, your mental balance of some kind.

But if we choose a harder path as our main path, it will take us many years. It will eventually work out, but we could have reached those finances and desires more easily. If our main project were a side one, we might be more satisfied, both with the ego and financially. Some type of work where you excel and that provides a financial foundation is one thing, and doing what you want for yourself is another.