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10 Meditative Writings for Everyday Life and Higher AwarenessWould you like to add '10 Meditative Writings for Everyday Life and Higher Awareness'?


Sometimes messages come to me through soul work and spontaneous writing. I call this meditative or automatic writing. It consists of short and powerful explanations of everyday topics.


Includes topics: Sleep, Karma, Goal, Ego, Soul, Job, Self-improvement, Couples therapy, Children, and Family.


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Why do our desires and actions sometimes not align? Part 1.

Question: Why do our desires and actions sometimes not align?

For example, someone wants to be rich but does nothing to achieve it. Or they want to have a great car but take no action, and so on. This creates a conflict—wanting to do something and not wanting to at the same time.

Answer: They say the biggest issue is often whether the person really wants it. Whether these are genuine desires at all.

Energy of Money

Question: Do they understand finances?
Answer: So-so (they gesture with their hand).


Q: How do they view money? It’s quite an earthly matter…
A: They see it as wealth or credit balance.

What is laziness?

Answer: Laziness is the lack of work motivation for things we don't want to do. When we follow our better path, laziness is usually less present. Our better path doesn't mean the one where we have the most or do the most. It simply means that our lifestyle suits us. This can be more relaxed or active.


Why do some people succeed immediately, while others never do?

Answer: This depends on several factors: the level of the soul, the person's willingness to listen, conditions, the period in the world, etc. In theory, anyone can succeed, but it is not necessary that they are already prepared to follow the path that would bring them success. Or the soul might assess that this is not the best path for them. If we follow our desires, even "failure" can be success. Failure is just our perspective on our situation.

Why Are Some People Always Successful?

Answer: Success is a matter of decisions, not character or life path. Character-wise, some people may make better decisions, which is why they are more successful. Decisions are a matter of experience and how quickly we learn from these experiences. Successful people, or those who are often successful, simply learn faster or quickly receive information from a spiritual direction.

Are men better with money?

Answer: It depends on the situation. In most cases, yes, because their body and lifestyle allow it. The basic nature of feminine energy is nurturing, while masculine energy is about creating. That’s why women give birth; they nurture the child and its development for 9 months. Men create it. Money is not made through nurturing but through creating.

How to find a balance between life and work?

A somewhat difficult question, as ideally, life would be our work and vice versa. To choose what complements us and to live what fulfills us. Often, it happens that we do not enjoy our added value and knowledge, but the pay is sufficient. Here, we must simply ask ourselves what complements us more: money, the current job, or the pleasure of our ideal. If everyone did what they wanted, work and life would blur into one another.

To what extent is it given to humans to mentally influence matter?

The following topic was suggested by one of our readers. Thank you!

Question: To what extent is it given to humans to mentally influence matter?

Answer: It is seen that in this world it is less likely for a person to have 100% influence on the material world. There is a certain limit to how much one can change things around them. That is why we have a body because if that were the purpose, we wouldn't need it. Only the right balance of the physical and mental mind can achieve material changes here. Whether this will be possible in the future, they do not see, but for most people, it is like this for now.

What is work?

Q: They say that work is a process which we need to achieve what we want. It is the path to a goal. An inevitable part of the goal. Why do some people hate it?

A: Because they don't work for their own goal. Instead, they work for someone else's goal.

What is money? Part 2

Q: So, let's say you're building a house. Some have no problems, everyone works, and the house is built. Others decide to build a house and face numerous challenges like a lack of land, difficult neighbors, etc. In the end, both have a house, but one paid with effort, while the other didn't feel any difficulties.

A: That is related to the lesson, but it's about one path being easier and the other more difficult.