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10 Meditative Writings for Everyday Life and Higher AwarenessWould you like to add '10 Meditative Writings for Everyday Life and Higher Awareness'?


Sometimes messages come to me through soul work and spontaneous writing. I call this meditative or automatic writing. It consists of short and powerful explanations of everyday topics.


Includes topics: Sleep, Karma, Goal, Ego, Soul, Job, Self-improvement, Couples therapy, Children, and Family.


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Food, Health, Illness

Why does the body get sick? Part 1

Question: Can they look at dialysis? For those who need it due to kidney failure, it's probably great. Because without it, they would die… What exactly does dialysis do?

Answer: They say they see it as a sieve through which blood passes. You have blood and you have bacteria in the blood. This is also what the kidneys do, through the tubes where they receive the blood, they pass it through a sieve. They send the blood forward clean, and process the bacteria. They put the bacteria aside for processing, while the blood is let through. Dialysis doesn't get rid of bacteria, it just removes them.

Food, Health

Does tea with medicinal plants really work and how?

Q: Does tea with medicinal plants really work and how? 
A: They say yes. That by drinking tea or plants heated in water, we can better absorb the medicinal effects of that plant. If we were to eat it, it wouldn't be absorbed into the blood and organs, but would only pass through the stomach.

Q: Does each plant have its own active ingredient?

A: Yes, each plant is good for something. Plants grow for a reason, and therefore, they have their own ecosystem that would expand even without us.

Food, Health

Should we grow our own food?

Q: Does it make sense to have your own garden and grow your own produce in terms of health? 
A: Yes, if you only consume that. It won't replace other foods. Pizza with homegrown tomatoes isn't any better.

Food, Health

How should a person eat? Part 2

Q: What about bread?

A: No, they don't see any option for bread that is okay. A mixture of yeast, flour, and seeds. They don't see anything good about it. Even if you take "good" ingredients like cranberries (without sugar), seeds, oatmeal (moderate but digestible), honey, and walnuts. You mix them all together and make a cookie. It's a disaster. But each individual ingredient is good.

Food, Health

How should a person eat?

Q: How should a person eat? (in general, without weight loss, in this modern world today, how should a person eat to maintain their health?)
A: Eat what you would give to your child. "Eat your fruits, eat your vegetables. Don't leave any vegetables behind! I want what's best for you." Just like what we tell our children.