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10 Meditative Writings for Everyday Life and Higher AwarenessWould you like to add '10 Meditative Writings for Everyday Life and Higher Awareness'?


Sometimes messages come to me through soul work and spontaneous writing. I call this meditative or automatic writing. It consists of short and powerful explanations of everyday topics.


Includes topics: Sleep, Karma, Goal, Ego, Soul, Job, Self-improvement, Couples therapy, Children, and Family.


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Question: Does tea with medicinal plants really work and how?

Answer: They say yes. That by drinking tea or plants heated in water, we can better absorb the medicinal effects of that plant. If we were to eat it, it wouldn't be absorbed into the blood and organs, but would only pass through the stomach.


Question: Does each plant have its own active ingredient?
A: Yes, each plant is good for something. Plants grow for a reason, and therefore, they have their own ecosystem that would expand even without us.


Q: Is it reasonable to gather plants locally or can they also be obtained from afar?
A: Anything from the earth is fine for us. Location doesn't matter. We aren't born in a specific location but on Earth. The same goes for fruit.


Q: As for teas, we have brewing, tinctures, and compresses. Is all of this meaningful?
A: Yes, each has its own role.


Q: Are teas probably already well-researched as far as we're concerned?
A: Too general. We should research specific plants. It would be best to use only one type of plant for a specific case. They don't see the advantage of mixing.


Q: Let's say I have information that three plants cleanse the blood well. Which one should I choose?
A: You can choose all three, but it's advisable to drink tea from different plants at different times of the day.


Q: The science of plants is very old. How did people come to know their active ingredients?
A: Not so much through testing, but through instinct.


Q: Is it possible to see some characteristics of a plant externally and then determine its purpose in that way?
A: No, because all plants are good for everything. Some are just a little better. Plants can only help your body reach balance more quickly. They can't cause it.


Q: Is everything useful in a plant - leaves, stems, roots?
A: Yes, but roots are a little less useful. What we see has a reason. And what we don't see also has a reason.


Q: Intermediate question: What about vegetables? They grow in the ground and above it. How do we treat them?
A: For general eating, it would be good to eat vegetables that grow above the ground. But vegetables that grow in the ground have a different effect. They are more suitable for detoxification. They contain a lot of minerals. They can serve as an alternative to clay.


Q: What about potatoes? Some people have trouble digesting them. Is that because they come from the ground?
A: They say yes, but they're also extremely hard in structure. It would be best to boil or mash them.


Q: Are potatoes good food?
A: Depends on what for. They don't see them as a main meal. They see them as highly concentrated. It would be good to eat them in smaller quantities.


Q: Regarding plants, there are also so-called Bach flower remedies. It's the plant's juice, often diluted. It's supposed to work based on vibrations. How do they see this?
A: They see it as salt that dilutes in water. It's on a molecular basis. Even if there is a large amount of water, anything in it can dissolve to the point where it becomes water itself. It affects everything in the water.


Q: But since it's a small amount, how does it work?
A: They see the role of water as a mediator more than the substance itself. Through this process, the substance would actually be absorbed more than with ordinary drops because it is absorbed through water, which the body absorbs most easily.


Q: So, out of all liquids, water is the easiest to absorb?
A: Yes, because we are made of it.


Q: Are the usefulness of these drops derived from the plant's effect?
A: Yes, they have the same effect.


Q: Does this only apply to plants or also to other things? Would tablets work in the same way?
A: Yes, but the drops would take longer because tablets are already designed to be taken with water.


Q: So, water isn't just for easier swallowing?
A: No, water makes it easier for the tablet to dissolve and for the body to absorb it.


Q: Is the amount of water important? For example, a glass of water?
A: Yes, a glass of water is sufficient. These diluted drops should be viewed in the long term. They are intended to be more easily absorbed by the body. They don't have as much power as a pure plant, but they are absorbed more effectively. Hence their effect.