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10 Meditative Writings for Everyday Life and Higher AwarenessWould you like to add '10 Meditative Writings for Everyday Life and Higher Awareness'?


Sometimes messages come to me through soul work and spontaneous writing. I call this meditative or automatic writing. It consists of short and powerful explanations of everyday topics.


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How should a person eat? Part 2

If you haven't read Part 1 yet, you can do so here.

Q: What about bread?

A: No, they don't see any option for bread that is okay. A mixture of yeast, flour, and seeds. I don't see anything good about it. Even if you take "good" ingredients like cranberries (without sugar), seeds, oatmeal (moderate but digestible), honey, and walnuts. You mix them all together and make a cookie. It's a disaster. But each individual ingredient is good.


The body doesn't know. How many probiotics, how many acids, how much insulin it needs, it's all dependent on taste. An attack on tastebuds. And the body will automatically store it with the mentality of "I'll store it there, I don't want to deal with it." And it will still be hungry, but you give it the same thing. Half a pizza won't satisfy you, oh ''let's have the other half''.


This is not a trend for a 14-day body cleanse, when you cleanse it, you need to maintain it. Don't go back on the same path you were on. Then it becomes marketing, where they go all in on calories. It has cranberries, it has vitamin C, oatmeal, and natural honey, so it must be healthy! The body doesn't care about calories but what it perceives. If it's sweet, it's sweet, regardless of whether it's sugar or stevia.


But the body doesn't know whether to raise insulin, but the seeds are salty, so I can now consume oatmeal. It doesn't know. You're consuming a lot of food but getting nothing from it. Those who are thin with processed food, I see that it's all mental. Caloric, a diet. "Oh, today is my cheat day, and I calculated that I can have a slice of pizza." Regardless of hunger, they won't deviate from the calories. We must have discipline in things that should be difficult. Like a job, success, because they are not made to be easy in today's world.


Physical activity, weightlifting, is meant to be difficult. But food shouldn't be difficult. Diets shouldn't exist. Your body just gives it to you. And regardless of how much time you have and how much you enjoy a certain food, the body is primitive and will give you signals. At the end of the day, we are made up of signals and hormones. Regardless of how much you enjoy an apple, at a certain point, it won't taste good to you physically anymore.


Even in ancient times, when a human caught something, they didn't eat it all at once, they stored it. They ate as much as they needed and left the rest for later. Regardless of whether they didn't eat for 1 day or 2 weeks, they didn't eat 14 times more. They were much smarter than us. Even metabolism boosters. The body won't allow us to consume more than it wants. It will increase hunger. The worst thing is that you can mix good foods, but they won't be okay.


The only thing I see with cereals and grains is that salt confuses the taste. Cereals have no taste, precisely so that we don't eat too much of them. Too complex of food in large quantities. Risotto has to be very salty to be tasty. Rice without salt. Nothing, nothing. It may seem cruel, but the body quickly adapts. It wants that. When you go off this path, it will want to go back to mono food. Very quickly.


If you eat potatoes without protein, for that meal, it will take proteins from fat. If you eat eggs without fat, it will take fat, and so on. It will take what it needs. There is no deficit, deficit is not a natural thing. Calories don't work because not all calories are the same. Pizza and an orange are not equal. They're not. The body is smart, it will reduce consumption if you don't give it enough. The idea that some people have more fat than others is not true. What bodybuilding does is a deficit. Extreme, not natural, where you need an extreme for extreme results.


For a normal level of fat, for survival, 10-15%, to not be cold in winter. A centimeter of fat. Two centimeters of loose skin. An ideal without aesthetics. For movement, life functions. Fat on the body. We are raised to believe that someone who has 10kg to lose should eat less than someone who only has 5kg to lose. No, I see it the same as with sleep. Someone who hasn't slept for 3 days or 1 day, both will need a maximum of 12 hours. The satiety signal is the same for both. This also leads to stomach shrinking, a greater feeling of satiety. Fat loss is a long-term thing, but not that long-term. If we put the body in balance, it would adapt very quickly.


Q: If we ate simple food, mono, would it show in the toilet?

A: Yes, our odor would still be present due to chemicals in deodorants and products, but it wouldn't affect the stool.


Q: How could a person know whether they’re eating well or not?

A: Based on what they crave. If you’re craving processed food, you’re not eating well. Ideally you should be craving unsalted rice, fruit, etc.


Q: What is mono food anyway?

A: They see mono food is a way of eating where you only consume one type of food at a time. For example, if you eat watermelon, you only eat watermelon for that meal. Rice, just rice. No additions, no spices. Especially no salt. All grains, buckwheat, rice should be eaten without salt. Salt confuses the taste and digestion, and the body doesn't know how much of that food it needs. It's very easy to overeat. Without salt, that possibility is very small.

Q: But processed food is very tasty, and people would eat it constantly.

A: No, they're saying that's how you know you're not eating well. Certain cravings are not a natural thing. How do you know if you're eating well? You look at what you crave. Do you like pizza or do you like watermelon? It all comes down to hormones. Our sensors are confused. We perceive addiction as craving. The basic idea of craving is that your body gives you a signal for something it needs, and you have an idea of what you should eat. You eat, and your body is satisfied.


Your body thinks, "Ah, I'm lacking vitamin C, I will trigger a craving for fruit because the last time I ate that, I got vitamin C." The craving disappears. The idea of craving is for it to disappear. But when you have a craving for pizza, it doesn't disappear, you could eat another one. Or it may even come back after a few hours. Certain cravings repeat, which is no longer craving. Craving is a very specific need in the moment. What your body needs at that moment.


Your body may not need fruit for a whole week. But if you crave pizza every day or have cereal for breakfast, it's no longer a craving, it's a habit. Hunger, appetite, and cravings are primitive things. They are within us. Regardless of how much excess fat a person has, and how accustomed they are to processed food, if they somehow mentally stabilize and give themselves 2-3 days of unprocessed mono food. Unlimited, eat until you're full. A kilogram of apples, as much as you need. You won't eat everything, but let's say you would. In a few days, other foods wouldn't appeal to you anymore, no pizza.


The question is, what triggers that craving besides food? Like an alcoholic. An alcoholic doesn't crave alcohol, but what it triggers in them. If they have weight for protection or some other reason, a person will override the fullness signals from their body. They will force themselves, even with apples, until their stomach hurts and they're rolling on the floor. After two weeks of such food, even if you ate pizza, it would be good, but that craving wouldn't be there anymore if you constantly repeat the same thing. The more you eat something, the more you want to eat it.


Q: So, chemical addiction?

A: Yes. If you eat pizza twice a day, you will start craving it for breakfast. But if you eat oranges three times a day, you won't be able to see them by the third day. How do you know if you're eating well? You look at what you eat. Centuries ago, when they didn't eat for a few days, they didn't eat 5 times more when they got food. They ate until they were full. As much as they needed. Otherwise, it would be discomforting and wasting food. I see that we have the idea that hunger is bad. Because we "starve," but that's not true.


Now extremes with low-fat content, bodybuilding, and similar are popular. Below 10%, which is not enough for vital functions. In a natural way, the body will never allow you to go to that limit. A six-pack is not a natural thing, even for maintaining body temperature. The body is not made for clothes, it's a habit. The idea is not to be hungry because you're starving. The body is not stupid, if you don't give it food, it will use its reserves.


If your body gives you a craving for rice, and you only eat fruit "because fruit is good for you," sooner or later, even that fruit will start storing as fat because it didn't get the rice it actually needed. You can start gaining weight because you're not listening to yourself but following a diet. The feeling that you have to get a certain amount of food in one day is wrong. We all have enough fat.


Q: So if we eat normal food, will our organs clean themselves?

A: Yes, we are designed for automatic cleansing. Even the skin. Acne is not natural; the face is a significant indicator of health. As I see it, we only get acne on the face or most of it on the face because the skin there is the thinnest. If you have them on your face, you have them all over your body, but you don't see them. Everything we eliminate from the body is eliminated throughout the whole body. The natural face, without creams that create an antibacterial environment. Organisms clean themselves. On the one hand, we are designed for 30 years of 100% life, and then we slowly and naturally begin to age for the younger generation to continue the cycle.


Most of it is related to food. We are being poisoned—time is money, and there is the most money in prolonging someone's life. The idea that vaccines and pills allow us to live longer is not true. We could live without all of that because we have better conditions. A wolf in nature can live 2-3 years; in good conditions, it would survive 20 years. We have houses, and warmth. We have better living conditions, so we will live longer. They shorten our lives so they can extend them. Even food, everything they add, has long-term consequences. In 10-20 years if they attract you to their side. All corporations have to attract you. In the short term, they won't cause you problems because if you have an immediate allergic reaction to a product, you'll sue them.


Q: What about vinegar? Does it help with digestion, or is it healthy?

A: Apples are better than vinegar. It's not a bad thing, but it doesn't bring benefits. Vinegar is processed food. We don't need it. You confuse your body. If you don't have the opportunity or time, don't eat. Fast food, no. When your body needs something, it will know where to get it from within. Even protein they see as a semi-placebo. Our fat cells have everything in it, not just fat. Fat is more than just fat. It's a golden reserve.


With mono food and unprocessed food, the body reaches balance much faster than we expect. Losing weight is not as long-term as people think. Diets are short-term, even healthy food that is mixed is not ideal. For one meal, the body will draw protein from fat, and in another meal, it will draw fat from fat. It depends on what it gets at the moment from the meal. For example, if you eat only potatoes for dinner, the body will take proteins and fats from your fat reserves for that meal. If you ate eggs it would take carbs and so on.



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