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10 Meditative Writings for Everyday Life and Higher AwarenessWould you like to add '10 Meditative Writings for Everyday Life and Higher Awareness'?


Sometimes messages come to me through soul work and spontaneous writing. I call this meditative or automatic writing. It consists of short and powerful explanations of everyday topics.


Includes topics: Sleep, Karma, Goal, Ego, Soul, Job, Self-improvement, Couples therapy, Children, and Family.


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These information are general in nature. In case of illness, consult your doctor.


This article is a transcript of a 1-hour recording from my trance. The expressions 'They say' or 'They see' refer to the entities I am communicating with. The questions are asked by my dad :)


Question: Can they look at dialysis? For those who need it due to kidney failure, it's probably great. Because without it, they would die… What exactly does dialysis do?

Answer: They say they see it as a sieve through which blood passes. You have blood and you have bacteria in the blood. This is also what the kidneys do, through the tubes where they receive the blood, they pass it through a sieve. They send the blood forward clean, and process the bacteria. They put the bacteria aside for processing, while the blood is let through. Dialysis doesn't get rid of bacteria, it just removes them.


Q: Are the residues discarded?

A: Yes, the only difference is that they are not processed further. They see it as a mesh, like for tea.


Q: Could there also be parasites, heavy metals, etc.?

A: They say they see it more as removing living things that are negative. They kill some bacteria, microorganisms that are not correct.


Q: So, our body needs to make sure that clean blood circulates through the body?

A: Yes, that's the idea. They say that everything that happens in the body already exists. It's not that, for instance, cancer cells don't exist. Cancer arises only because there are too many of them. The same with psoriasis. That’s why imbalance occurs. Like a flower that you overwater. Or yeast. It’s all already in the body, imbalance is the reason. It's good that dialysis is not as burdensome for the system as blood purification for the body, because it only receives clean blood.


Q: Mechanical cleanings, so that they don't remove too much. Is the blood of good enough quality going forward?

A: It's easier for the body to create good bacteria. If it receives too clean blood, it can always create new positive cells.


Q: Is that wrong?

A: It's not ideal, but it can be done. If the body could choose, it would prefer this.


Q: What happens to the body when the kidneys fail?

A: Too many factors, it depends on the person. A person could simply smoke, which isn't related. It can be just one thing that triggers it. Some people can drink alcohol all their lives without issues. Genetics are not inherited in a way that you will have problems, but rather where you are more sensitive. As if you inherited softer DNA.


Q: How can a person tell that their kidney isn't functioning well?

A: By the feeling of going to the bathroom too often or too little.


Q: Is the color of urine important?

A: Not so much, it depends on what we eat and drink. It’s too easy to change. More important is how clear it is. Whether it's cloudy or clear, whether it's transparent. This means it’s not purified.


Q: Like oil, when it isn't filtered?

A: Yes. You shouldn't see residues in the toilet.


Q: What about the liquid we drink? Several liters of water a day? Can a person drink too little?

A: They say we need to drink more just because we eat a lot of salt. Our food itself doesn't have minerals that we find in the soil. That’s why it’s replaced with salt. If we didn't eat salt, we would need to drink less. We are more polluted, so the body needs more fluids.


Q: Can they see if psoriasis is related to the kidneys?

A: They say it's hard to say. It’s different for each person.


Q: It's not a universal thing? That toxins push out through the skin?

A: Aha, in that way. It’s hard to say, for some it's the liver, for others it's the digestive tract. The blood just carries these things around.


Q: Is it true that if we go on dialysis, the blood is cleaned? The cause doesn't matter?

A: Yes, but we only remove the symptoms with that. It comes back because the problem isn't the circulating blood but where it comes from.


Q: Is there a way for a person to find out where the weak point in their body is? I assume it's when it gives way and toxins go into the body?

A: Yes, it gives way somewhere. But mostly the whole body is a bit weaker. They don’t see that only one organ can be weak while others are fine. The imbalance occurs throughout the body, it just shows up first in one place.


Q: Are they talking about psoriasis?

A: In general.


Q: Like a chain, it breaks where it's weakest?

A: Yes, if not there, then somewhere else.


Q: So, when a person is in balance, it gets sorted?

A: Yes, it can start with the mind. Then it’s already a physical consequence that needs to be sorted. Mental types should address health with the body. Physical types with the mind. If problems start in the head, they should be nurtured in the body. And vice versa. It's the opposite. It’s not that everything is solved on the level where it starts. You can't put out a fire with fire.


Q: We have certain chronic diseases, so that body is constantly in imbalance?

A: Yes, the body is not made to be in pain, because then we are not productive. Not productive in our understanding. Our body is not in balance, and we cannot survive in nature. In any way. The body is not made for diseases.


Q: High blood pressure, cholesterol?

A: A form of imbalance, something is lacking, something is in excess.


Q: What about cancer, in any form? Does it pop up where the weak point is?

A: They say cancer is a very general issue. It's not so complex. Psoriasis, low blood pressure, high blood pressure. They have the same possibility for cancer. Cancer is just an option.


Q: Why does it come out at all?

A: Imbalance, just like psoriasis, pimples. Anything that stands out in the body has the same possibility for everything. Even with genetics, to what your body is more sensitive. Heavy metals or not, etc. The problem is that the body wants to go into balance, but there are too many negative substances that we constantly introduce into our body.


Q: How would we reduce that? With food?

A: Also. Water, food, chemicals. Somehow we need to figure out what we are sensitive to and eliminate that. That’s how we should live, but people don't like it. It’s too restrictive. Not just with food, also with water. If you find out you are sensitive to a certain cream, you avoid it. Or fabric dyes. It all depends on the person. Something for one person wouldn't react, but for another, it would.