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Sometimes messages come to me through soul work and spontaneous writing. I call this meditative or automatic writing. It consists of short and powerful explanations of everyday topics.
Includes topics: Sleep, Karma, Goal, Ego, Soul, Job, Self-improvement, Couples therapy, Children, and Family.
Current price: 9.95$ (usually 29.95$)
Answer: They say that this aggression or anger is inherited from their mother. They simply express it in a typically male way.
Question: Does this mean they acquired it while in the womb?
A: Yes. In puberty, their individual character takes over apart from their history.
Q: Is this inherited aggression just a phase from the mother, or is it her nature?
A: It's more of a nature. The mother's aggression doesn't necessarily have to be visible in the same way. The child simply expresses her aggression in their own way.
Q: How can we help this child during their period of aggression?
A: Known factors. Sports, avoiding sugar. It balances out in puberty.
Q: And what about the opposite, when a child is too calm, sensitive, etc.?
A: That can be an integral part of the child's character and also influenced by the mother.
Q: What about other traumas that children experience (fears, panics, stuttering, bedwetting, etc.)?
A: That is too general. Each individual needs to be looked at separately.
Q: How can a seemingly weak child become extremely muscular and developed in puberty? Is this inherited from the father?
A: A child inherits genetics and sometimes physical characteristics from the father. Traumas and emotions, on the other hand, are inherited from the mother.
Q: Can a child inherit the father's character?
A: Yes, due to upbringing.
Q: What about a father's illness?
A: It depends on the specific illness. It's too broad to give a general answer.
Q: What about adults and their anger?
A: They say that in adults, it is related to a physical imbalance. Incorrect diet, lack of exercise, internal conflicts, poor life decisions, or choosing a worse path.