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10 Meditative Writings for Everyday Life and Higher AwarenessWould you like to add '10 Meditative Writings for Everyday Life and Higher Awareness'?


Sometimes messages come to me through soul work and spontaneous writing. I call this meditative or automatic writing. It consists of short and powerful explanations of everyday topics.


Includes topics: Sleep, Karma, Goal, Ego, Soul, Job, Self-improvement, Couples therapy, Children, and Family.


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How can someone tell if they're healthy?


Q: They have mentioned the importance of balance several times. Can a person recognize imbalance in themselves?

A: Yes, it manifests as mental instability, mood swings, and digestive issues. Health starts to suffer.

Q: When a person notices this, what would be the best path, as the first choice?

A: Food.


Q: Any kind of special food?

A: Yes, unprocessed food.

Q: How can a person determine if they are healthy?

A: Mostly, these are already known aspects: white whites of the eyes, hair quality, skin quality, frequency of infections, colds, illnesses, etc. Body odor and the smell of stool. Bad breath. But the best indicator is mental well-being: focus, clarity of thoughts, absence of headaches, etc.

Q: What about fatigue? I mean, it's often almost chronic.

A: Physical fatigue means the body is in a detox process, either due to our current poor condition or past poor health. It's clearing present toxins or those from the past.

Q: But can this last for years?

A: For present toxins, yes, if we constantly introduce new ones. Past toxins generally clear within 6 to 12 months if properly supported by detoxing through diet and lifestyle. Again, we come back to food. If the foundation is in order, everything else falls into place, except in rare cases of disability or hereditary mental conditions.

Q: Is it worth using something for detox? Clay, zeolite, any vitamins?

A: They say no. Clay is okay, but only used a few times a week as minimal assistance. Clay absorbs toxins from the digestive system, but not so much from old fat.

Q: So, the most toxins are in old fat?

A: Yes.

Q: Is that why people feel so bad on diets? Because they burn this toxic fat?

A: That is only part of the process. Mostly, they feel bad because of insufficient food intake, and the body is in a state of deficit.

Q: What about water fasting?

A: They say fasting is an extreme form of detox, but it's not necessary in most cases. Fasting would be suitable for extremely obese or seriously ill individuals.

Q: What does it mean? Giving the body a rest?

A: Yes. Giving it time to do what needs to be done.

Q: Could a healthy person try a short water fast? Would they benefit from it?

A: More likely no than yes. Fasting is a big stress on the body. It is a form of rest, but it's forced rest. If we are healthy, we don't need to fast. A healthy person doesn't need to fast because they are not dirty on the inside.

Q: How can a person stay healthy in this strange system?

A: We can only control what we consume and apply, meaning food and external products. The rest comes naturally (mental health). That's in our domain, and by doing so, we can stay healthy as much as possible. However, it will never be 100% possible because there are too many external factors.