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10 Meditative Writings for Everyday Life and Higher AwarenessWould you like to add '10 Meditative Writings for Everyday Life and Higher Awareness'?


Sometimes messages come to me through soul work and spontaneous writing. I call this meditative or automatic writing. It consists of short and powerful explanations of everyday topics.


Includes topics: Sleep, Karma, Goal, Ego, Soul, Job, Self-improvement, Couples therapy, Children, and Family.


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What about Akasha?

Question: What could they say about the Akasha?

Answer: They're asking what that is.


Q: These are known to us as fields that people go to. Everyone sees differently, even your field could be called similar. Do they see what it is?

A: They said that they are not familiar with this concept at their level. However, if they understand the context they have received correctly, everything is roughly the same. For us, as humans, there is a certain limit to how far we are allowed to go.


Q: Is this limit conditioned by the soul that enters these realms? Or is it related to each individual as a human being?

A: Both are true. Both the soul (soul level) and the human are present there. The level of the soul and the level of the human are the same, but it depends on how strongly the soul is present in the individual, depending on the need for that life experience. There is a visible limit, but only a few can see it - a handful of people in the whole world - who are able to progress to the highest level, and this is due to a certain earth balance. There always has to be some on one level and others on another.


Q: What does this mean for you, who has access to these 25 entities, are you one of those who do it for balance? Is it possible to reach an even higher level?

A: It is possible to reach an even higher level, but I still don't see what lies on my path. Currently, I am at a level that can be reached. Those who surpass this level are not exactly what we think. For us and for the environment, the level that the soul can maximally reach is sufficient enough for us as individuals, and there is no further benefit for us to go higher.


Those rare few who experience the highest level do not share it further. They are like agents, assisting those above us. There is no benefit in sharing because there is nothing to share. There is a connection, but it is possible that a person at a visual level may have a lower state than a person at the level of the soul. It is not about the state, but about openness to that level.


Q: Memories of the soul? How do they perceive them?

A: The soul remembers everything, but whether we are aware of those memories on our life journey is another question.