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10 Meditative Writings for Everyday Life and Higher AwarenessWould you like to add '10 Meditative Writings for Everyday Life and Higher Awareness'?


Sometimes messages come to me through soul work and spontaneous writing. I call this meditative or automatic writing. It consists of short and powerful explanations of everyday topics.


Includes topics: Sleep, Karma, Goal, Ego, Soul, Job, Self-improvement, Couples therapy, Children, and Family.


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The following topic was suggested by one of our readers. Thank you!


Question: To what extent do spiritual companions or guides (assistants) help a person achieve set materialistic goals and ensure they are carried out in the desired direction?

Answer: Every goal and action have a physical and energetic aspect. For example, a building: the worker who constructs it is physical. The architect who designs it is mental/energetic. Guides, companions, etc., can only help on the energetic level. They help us reach our goals more easily through exploring our ideas and, consequently, the paths and decisions. They do not directly affect the thing itself. Just as when we plant a tree, we do not directly affect the seed, but we provide the right conditions and space for it to grow into a tree.


The broader our desired direction, the more energetic paths can be opened to our materialistic desires. If, for example, we want a new car but have only one source through which it can come (e.g., a job), this goal will take longer. If we have multiple channels (e.g., job, freelance work, additional work, helping others, etc.), these goals are achieved more quickly. They do not influence exactly where the river's water comes from, only that it flows in our direction. It is also important that we have as many desired channels open as possible, not just insurance, etc., but those through which we truly want to receive and are prepared for.


Question: How does "ask and it shall be given to you" work?

Answer: This ties into the previous answer. We can only be given as much as we have open paths. Like if we want someone to call us, but our number is nowhere to be found. If we had it online, in a directory, on business cards, etc., this energy would be much easier to trigger. The power of visualization is not as important as the enabled action.


Some, with greater realization of ideas, can achieve more than those with just strong visualization. So, if we have open paths and work on visualization, this triggers additional insights into the paths we have not yet opened, until the moment it becomes reality. At some point, we just need to wait or be patient and work on what we can.


The supply is unlimited, so anyone can receive, and it will be given to them. However, not everyone knows how to receive. Simply taking is not the same. Receiving also means offering what we can or what that person/event needs for our realization. In a store, when we buy bread, they need to accept money, not just take it, otherwise, we wouldn't get the bread. When we learn to receive, we learn to give. To give what we know we have and also what we are not aware of. People who don't know how to give, in reality, don't know how to receive. They do not accept that they have anything to offer, in terms of value – physical or mental.