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10 Meditative Writings for Everyday Life and Higher AwarenessWould you like to add '10 Meditative Writings for Everyday Life and Higher Awareness'?


Sometimes messages come to me through soul work and spontaneous writing. I call this meditative or automatic writing. It consists of short and powerful explanations of everyday topics.


Includes topics: Sleep, Karma, Goal, Ego, Soul, Job, Self-improvement, Couples therapy, Children, and Family.


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Can an animal take a disease upon itself?


Q: With the idea of sacrificing itself for its owner? Especially dogs?

A: They say yes and no. People who have a certain serious illness (no matter which one) also vibrate that illness in a strange way. These vibrations are not only susceptible to animals but also to other people.

Q: So, if you are around a sick person, do you have a higher chance of getting sick too?

A: Dogs are more susceptible because they lack the protection of a conscious mind that humans have.


Q: So, it's not that the dog intentionally does it? Taking it upon itself?

A: They say they don't see it in that context.

Q: So, we "infect" them?

A: Yes. It's not that they take on our problems, it's more that they don't know how to protect themselves from it. This applies more to dogs, as they are more devoted to humans and thus more open.

Q: Is it possible that a person could lose their primary illness because the dog contracted it?

A: Yes, essentially. But it would return if the person no longer had the dog as a carrier.

Q: So, if you buy a new dog, the process could repeat?

A: Yes.

Q: Why does the primary illness disappear from the human?

A: They say that, like us humans, when we vibrate, we also discharge in the same way. In other words, we release that energy onto the dog.

Q: Does this also apply to the people close to us?

A: It depends on how open they are. To some extent, always.

Q: What about people who work in hospitals with serious illnesses?

A: It's the same for them. They take it upon themselves. That's why a healthy person doesn't feel good in a hospital, because at that moment, they are not healthy.

Q: Can these workers protect themselves in any way?

A: Hospitals should be energetically cleansed multiple times a day.

Q: Using salt and water, or is there something more?

A: Salt and water, yes, but it would be good to change the location every few years (5 to 10).

Q: Is it the person who vibrates the illness, or does the illness vibrate out of the person?

A: The person vibrates the illness. They say that when a person is seriously ill, their body wants to rid itself of that illness, so they vibrate it with the idea of getting rid of it.

Q: So, someone wants to get rid of it more?

A: Yes.

Q: Could we recognize these vibrations with some technology? Are these vibrations the same as for bioresonance?

A: Yes.

Q: So, we can determine on what frequency this person vibrates?

A: It should be possible.

Q: Do they see if we are technologically capable of this?

A: They say yes, but it depends on the person we encounter. It could be detected in one person and not in another.

Q: Would a person with pancreatic cancer vibrate differently than someone with colon cancer?

A: They say not significantly. Vibrations are not connected to a specific organ but to the function of that organ. The differences in vibrations would only be apparent in cases like pancreatic cancer and oral cavity cancer. It would be difficult to differentiate in the previous example because both problems are related to the digestive system.

Examples where differentiation is possible: Oral cavity cancer, breast cancer, any gastrointestinal tract-related cancer, bone or joint cancer, liver, prostate, uterus, kidneys...

Q: What about the skin?

A: Not really, because it's difficult to determine location-based vibrations.

Q: Any other organs?

A: The brain. Most can be identified, except for those related to the digestive tract, where the organs are too interconnected.

Q: How far do these vibrations extend from a person?

A: A short distance, around 0.5 to 2 meters. But they can also be transmitted between people. From one person to another.

Q: Can they explain this further?

A: In the case of a hospital, a sick person is usually in contact only with a few people. Those people then transmit the vibrations to the entire hospital.

Q: So, does that mean that these vibrations can be transmitted or passed on?

A: Yes.

Q: Like some kind of vibrational infection?

A: Yes.

Q: Someone who is close to that person takes on a fraction of the illness and carries it forward?

A: Yes. But this is not limited to physical illnesses; it also applies to mental ones. The saying "You become like those you hang out with" is accurate.

Q: Example: I am a hospital worker and I take on a fraction of the patient's illness. Then I go somewhere else and "infect" another person. Will I retain the illness, or does it just transfer?

A: In the case of a worker, you retain the illness because you are in frequent contact with that person's illness. If you were just passing by on the street, you might only transfer it. But even the vibration you transfer weakens over time.

Q: Example: I visit a friend in the hospital who is sick. I spend two hours with them and then return home to my family. What is the likelihood that I seriously take on the illness and also pass it on to someone else, increasing their chances of getting sick?

A: They say it depends on how open you and your close ones are, and how often it is repeated. If it's just once, the chances are not very high. But with multiple visits per week, the chances increase significantly.

Q: Can they give an approximate number of hours that are critical to being in close proximity to that person?

A: Around 3 to 6 hours is a healthy limit. (This includes all visits to the person).

Q: Is this a spontaneous reaction of the body? Will two people with the same type of illness vibrate differently or the same?

A: Yes, they will vibrate the same, but the strength of the vibration varies.

Q: So, some people want to get rid of the illness more?

A: Yes.

Q: Can we detect these vibrations with some technology? Are these vibrations similar to bioresonance?

A: Yes.

Q: Can we determine the frequency at which a person vibrates?

A: It should be possible.

Q: Do they see if we are technologically capable of doing this?

A: They say yes, but it depends on the person you encounter. It might be detected in one person, while in another, it may not.

Q: Would a person with pancreatic cancer vibrate differently than a person with colorectal cancer?

A: They say not really. Vibrations are not connected to specific organs but to the function of that organ. The differences in vibration would only be noticeable in cases like pancreatic and oral cavity cancer. The previous example would be difficult to differentiate vibrationally because both problems are related to the digestive system.

Examples where differentiation is possible: Oral cavity cancer, breast cancer, any related to the digestive tract, bone or joint cancer, liver, prostate, uterus, kidneys...

Q: What about the skin?

A: Not really, as it's difficult to determine location-specific vibrations.

Q: Any other organs?

A: The brain. Most of them can be determined, except for those related to the digestive tract, where the organs are too interconnected.

Q: How far do these vibrations extend from a person?

A: A short distance, 0.5 to 2 meters. But they can also be transmitted through people, from one to another.

Q: Can they explain this further?

A: In the case of a hospital, a sick person is usually in contact with only a few people. These people then transmit the vibration to the entire hospital.

Q: So, these vibrations can be transmitted?

A: Yes.

Q: Like some kind of vibrational infection?

A: Yes.

Q: Someone who is close to this person takes on a part of the disease and carries it forward?

A: Yes. But it's not limited to physical illnesses; it also applies to mental ones. The saying "You are the company you keep" is accurate.

Q: Example: I am a hospital worker and take on a part of the patient's illness. Then I go somewhere else and "infect" the next person. Will I retain this disease, or does it just get passed on?

A: In the case of a hospital worker, you retain the disease because you are frequently in contact with that person's illness. If you were just passing by on the street, you might only transmit it. But even the vibration you transmit weakens over time.

Q: Example: I visit a friend in the hospital who is sick. I spend two hours with him and then return home to my loved ones. What is the likelihood that I seriously take on this illness and also pass it on to someone else, increasing their chances of falling ill?

A: They say it depends on your openness and the openness of your loved ones, as well as how many times this is repeated. If it's just a one-time visit, the chances are not very high. However, if there are multiple visits per week, the likelihood significantly increases.

Q: Can they give a specific number of hours that is critical to be around that person?

A: Around 3 to 6 hours is a healthy limit (this includes all visits to that person).

Q: So, we can say that these diseases are transmissible?

A: Yes, in the long run.

Q: What is it primarily dependent on whether a person who was in contact with the sick person will actually get sick?

A: It depends on the energetic openness of the person.

Q: Can they provide an example of an energetically open person?

A: An energetically open person is someone who is naturally more emotionally susceptible. People can assess this about themselves.

Q: Can a person protect themselves in any way before visiting a patient?

A: They say no. If a person is emotionally susceptible, they can't. They can only energetically cleanse themselves after the visit.

Q: In what way?

A: The sea, showering with salt, or taking a bath with a lot of salt. 30 minutes to one hour.

Q: How much salt for a bath?

A: For a full bath, 6 to 10 kg of salt is recommended, especially in the case of severe illnesses. Sea salt is the most effective.

Q: What about children we take to see a person for the last time or just for a visit?

A: They say it's not a good idea because children are the most susceptible and energetically the most unstable.

Q: What happens to this vibration when a person dies? How is the cemetery?

A: They say the vibration also dies. It is transmitted through living bodies. Cemeteries have clean energy, more than maternity wards.

Q: Technical question:

Let's say we know with which vibration a person vibrates with a certain disease, and then we direct the same vibration towards them. Would that stop or maybe destroy the disease?

A: They say yes, the basis of bioresonance is real. However, they see a problem in that it addresses the symptoms, not the cause. Even if we get rid of the disease, it may reappear or manifest differently.

Q: But, in principle, it would work?

A: Yes.

Q: What if we direct this same vibration - frequency towards a healthy person. Could it trigger the same disease?

A: They say yes.

Q: As far as I can see, there are many different manufacturers of frequency treatment devices in the world, and they all use their own frequencies. Is that okay?

A: This is the dangerous side of working with vibrations because even slight differences in Hz can trigger completely different results.

Q: Does someone who works with bioresonance risk getting the same disease?

A: Yes, unless they are not in the same room when the vibrations are applied.

Q: Can they provide us with frequencies for various diseases?

A: They say they are not allowed to give them to us due to the potential consequences. However, they mentioned that we don't need them to find out. The necessary technology is already among us.

The use of bioresonance these days could be quite critical. Even a minimal difference in Hz could have significant consequences. For instance, when dealing with fat cells, water drainage, or minor bacterial conditions, a difference of a few Hz might not achieve the desired effect, but it wouldn't cause harm either.

However, in the case of multiple illnesses, the differences in vibrations are minimal. Therefore, while one illness is eliminated, another may be triggered if the correct frequency is not used.

They say that when determining vibrations through meditation, several elements are always involved, which is why the information may vary among different individuals. Different people may receive different or similar information. The best approach would be to scientifically confirm these findings.

If we were to reach such conclusions through scientific means, the results would always be consistent. We have the options we do for a reason.

Q: Can we then conclude that cancer is hereditary? Is it based on the physical or energetic level?

A: Usually, it is hereditary on the energetic level. In rare cases, it can be physically inherited from the mother to the child.

Q: Can a father pass on a hereditary disease to the child?

A: Physically, no. In very rare cases.

Q: Do they have any final thoughts on today's conversation?

A: They say it's interesting that dogs don't transmit their illnesses to us, regardless of how much time we spend with them. We are not susceptible to their vibrations, as they are to ours.


These pieces of information are of a general nature. In case of illness, consult your doctor.