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10 Meditative Writings for Everyday Life and Higher AwarenessWould you like to add '10 Meditative Writings for Everyday Life and Higher Awareness'?


Sometimes messages come to me through soul work and spontaneous writing. I call this meditative or automatic writing. It consists of short and powerful explanations of everyday topics.


Includes topics: Sleep, Karma, Goal, Ego, Soul, Job, Self-improvement, Couples therapy, Children, and Family.


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How did humans even come to have dogs? They say that ''God sent a disguised angel''

Answer: Dogs create balance among people on Earth. Without them, we could easily fall into hatred.


Question: Is it true that they are the result of wolves?

Answer: No. The dog is its own animal species.

Q: We have a huge variety of animals. But the dog is specific. Extremely attached to humans. How did this happen?

A: Because they were made for us. Other animals only tolerate us. Dogs are designed to love us. They provide love and attention, even to those who have no one else to give it to.

Q: What is so special about dogs? Is it gratitude?

A: A dog will consistently give more than it receives, on an energetic level. The scale of energy will always slightly favour us.

Q: Is store-bought food suitable for our dogs?

A: It's the same as with store-bought food for humans. Even dog food is processed.

Q: What if a person decides to prepare food for their dog themselves? What would be most appropriate?

A: All types of cooked meat. Or cooked in a pan without oil, with water. Stewed. It can also be baked in the oven, without additives.

Q: What about raw meat?

A: It depends on the dog, and how much their stomach can handle.

Q: Do we need to test it?

A: You can, but there's not much benefit from raw meat. Fat is good.

Q: So, if I trim a steak I could give my dog the fat?

A: Yes. Also tuna without salt every few days. Not in oil. Once a week roughly.

Q: Is salt not good for animals?

A: Not really.

Q: Any other type of fish?

A: With other fish, there's an issue with bones. Every fish is somewhat risky regarding bones for dogs. It's best to choose something that is already boneless.

Q: What about vegetables?

A: There isn't much benefit from vegetables for dogs. Milk can be like a treat. And also fruits if they like them.

Q: What about raw eggs?

A: They can have it twice a week.

Q: How many times a day should a dog eat? Is there any rule?

A: More than three times isn't very beneficial. If possible, they should eat with us.

Q: What about cooked food that humans eat? Potatoes, pasta, etc.

A: No. There isn't much nutritional value for them in this food. Even for humans, there isn't much nutritional value in this food.

Q: Any special advice for puppies or their owners?

A: That cheaper isn't always better when it comes to food.

Q: I assume it's similar for the cat world?

A: Cats can tolerate raw meat a bit easier. Other things are quite similar. It's similar for all carnivorous pets.

Q: The Egyptians worshiped cats. What's behind that?

A: Cats are independent. They behave like kings, and that's why the Egyptians accepted them like that.

Q: What about birds? Sparrows, crows, parrots, etc.?

A: Right after dogs the most suitable animals for us are birds. We are too big for them, so they don't see us as a threat, especially if we raise them from a young age. They feel that they are unimportant in our food chain. Also, flying gives them a sense of security.

Q: What about the food we buy for them?

A: Their food is okay because it's mainly seeds. Fruits are also good for them.