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10 Meditative Writings for Everyday Life and Higher AwarenessWould you like to add '10 Meditative Writings for Everyday Life and Higher Awareness'?


Sometimes messages come to me through soul work and spontaneous writing. I call this meditative or automatic writing. It consists of short and powerful explanations of everyday topics.


Includes topics: Sleep, Karma, Goal, Ego, Soul, Job, Self-improvement, Couples therapy, Children, and Family.


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What is money? Part 2

If you haven't read Part 1 yet, you can do so here

Question: So, let's say you're building a house. Some have no problems, everyone works, and the house is built. Others decide to build a house and face numerous challenges like a lack of land, difficult neighbors, etc. In the end, both have a house, but one paid with effort, while the other didn't feel any difficulties.

Answer: That is related to the lesson, but it's about one path being easier and the other more difficult.

Q: Does the soul assist with the easier one?

A: The soul assists in both situations; the soul is the same in both cases.

Q: Why does someone have many difficulties?

A: It's about a different situation, a different person, a different soul. Everything is different. Another example: two people can have a very similar situation, but it will never be the same. For one, it's a path where they don't go the extra mile, for the other, it's a path where they need to do so.

Q: So, the idea that the house was meant for one person and not the other is not correct?

A: If you end up with a house, it was meant to be in both cases. The term "meant" may not be accurate. They say that easy doesn't always mean good. That means you didn't have to take the extra step on your path.

Q: Do I value it more if it's harder?

A: No, you have more. It's not about valuing it more, but you have more because the situation is not the same for every person. What is a normal path for one person is an ideal path for another. For someone in a regular family, achieving a paid house is equivalent to someone in a millionaire family starting a million-dollar business.

Q: So, if two of us go down the same path, it's easier for him but harder for me. He ends up with a five-bedroom apartment, and I end up with a three-bedroom one. But from my perspective, I have more than him...

A: No, you worked hard for it. You don't have more.

Q: For some people, it's easier to work with the energy of money. Is there some attachment or can you become good at managing that energy?

A: No, it's because they give more, even if others don't think so. That person gives so much that, for the sake of balance, they must receive back. They say there's also a strange phenomenon with large sums of money. You can place money somewhere, and the person who finds it will lose it. It's a strange example, but that's how they explained it. The idea is that you have a thousand euros and you transfer it to a stranger's account. Now you're lacking a thousand euros, and that person is in surplus. They gained, but gave nothing. The energy dynamic is disrupted. They see that it works approximately halfway, so you'll get back around 500 euros, and they will lose 500 euros. Roughly.

Q: Is it true that money needs to circulate?

A: No, they say it has a different meaning. Money needs to circulate, which means you give something and receive something in return. It's a transaction, but only for the purpose of giving or receiving a good.

Q: What if someone accumulates money? Can it harm or have no effect?

A: It doesn't harm because it's theirs. Stinginess often means giving less than you receive. It's good in the sense that you think about whom you give to. However, you're stingy if you receive 10 and give 2. Smart behavior is to receive 10 and give 10.

Q: What about the idea that money creates money, and crap creates crap? Does that refer to investments, or interest?

A: Yes, they see that it's true, but they also see it applies to goods. Added value creates more added value. Nothing creates nothing. Poor added value brings poor payment, while good added value brings good money.

Q: Aren't bank interests a disrupted energy dynamic?

A: No, the bank has it sorted out. They've already calculated it, and it has proven itself. The bank doesn't steal. The bank just has to take some questionable measures to function. Without it, you would have to physically keep that money somewhere and take care of its security, etc. Interests are paid because there's a risk of losing all the money in one bank. That's how they maintain their energy technique in balance. Thanks for the trust. Trust is also a commodity.

Q: What if you accumulate enough money and have a safe. And if you have a lot of money, is that energy powerful enough to attract even more money?

A: No, they don't see it as attracting. There's nothing physical about it. It's a psychological aspect. You make bigger decisions, but there's nothing physical involved. Because money doesn't have any physical value. Money is just paper. Even gold is just metal. It has value because we give it value. We have assigned a value to it for trading purposes.