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10 Meditative Writings for Everyday Life and Higher AwarenessWould you like to add '10 Meditative Writings for Everyday Life and Higher Awareness'?


Sometimes messages come to me through soul work and spontaneous writing. I call this meditative or automatic writing. It consists of short and powerful explanations of everyday topics.


Includes topics: Sleep, Karma, Goal, Ego, Soul, Job, Self-improvement, Couples therapy, Children, and Family.


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Question: Rheumatism, could they tell me a bit more about this disease?

Answer: It involves inflammation in the micro parts of the body, such as muscles, joints, and tissues.

Q: Can it be related to diet, or is it mostly associated with elements that enter through the skin?

A: It can be related to diet, but in most cases, it is associated with elements that enter through the skin.


Q: Can you elaborate on these elements?

A: Creams, disinfectants, clothing, cleaning agents, etc.

Q: Is there a common factor among these elements that causes the most harm?

A: Copper.

Q: How does copper contribute to this disease?

A: It enters the body through the skin, and subsequently, the body cannot eliminate it effectively.

Q: Does copper belong to the so-called heavy metals?

A: Yes.

Q: Would zeolite help?

A: Yes.

Q: A basic historical question. In the past, they used to cook in copper utensils. Did that accelerate this disease?

A: Yes.

Q: So, the use of various copper utensils is not recommended?

A: No, it is not.

Q: What about copper bracelets? They are quite fashionable and somewhat mystical in terms of healing.

A: They say that jewelry is not seen as a significant problem, but it does more harm than good.

Q: Can copper be beneficial in certain cases? In smaller quantities?

A: They say no. Only in very rare cases.

Q: I read somewhere that copper can be used as micro-particles in the body, similar to colloidal silver. Does that make sense?

A: They say that it shouldn't be a problem for a healthy person. However, it would be better to avoid it.

Q: So, copper has no place in our bodies?

A: That's correct. The body doesn't benefit from or require copper.

Q: Help for rheumatism?

A: Electrical stimulation of the painful areas. It helps the body break down copper particles in those areas.

Q: So, copper tends to accumulate in those areas?

A: Yes.

Q: Anything else for assistance?

A: No, that's all they see.


These pieces of information are of a general nature. In case of illness, consult your doctor.