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10 Meditative Writings for Everyday Life and Higher AwarenessWould you like to add '10 Meditative Writings for Everyday Life and Higher Awareness'?


Sometimes messages come to me through soul work and spontaneous writing. I call this meditative or automatic writing. It consists of short and powerful explanations of everyday topics.


Includes topics: Sleep, Karma, Goal, Ego, Soul, Job, Self-improvement, Couples therapy, Children, and Family.


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Questions of students

Above is a transcript of a 44-minute recording from within my hypnotic state, specifically from my father's training of hypnotherapists, which took place a couple of weeks ago. The bolded questions were asked by them and were quite interesting...


Question 1: The difference between a soulmate and a twin flame?

Answer: They say that this term is not exactly familiar to them, but if they had to connect it with the information they have, a soulmate is a soul you resonate with. A soul that understands another soul. A twin flame, on the other hand, is a soul from the same planet or the same species.


Q 2: From the same soul group, twins?

A: Yes, it's all the same thing.


Q 3: Let's say a child's mother leaves, can the child change their mother's feelings to make her come back? Like manifestation?

A: They say that it wouldn't be possible to manifest her back because what is meant to leave if it should have stayed, would never have left. No, you can influence someone's feelings in the short term, but that person will sooner or later come to their senses and leave again.


Q: Is it their lesson to grow up without a mother?

A: Yes, that is their path.


Q 4: Is it possible for trauma to be neutralized? Can trauma be neutralized through hypnosis, on a human level? If someone experiences trauma, is it possible to neutralize it through hypnosis?

A: They say that a person learns to live with it. It won't be neutralized to the point where it no longer affects them. However, they can learn to function in life with it, yes.


Q 5: Can energetic protection also serve as protection against other entities?

A: They said that other entities don't really bother with us.


Q: I'm concerned about attracting other issues onto myself and whether I can protect myself from absorbing someone else's trauma through therapeutic work.

A: Salt. Salt and water in a basin under the table.


Q: Does the size of the basin matter?

A: It depends on the room. Up to 20 square meters, a basin is fine. In the case of an apartment, multiple basins in each room would be needed.


Q: Is the location important?

A: It works everywhere, but it's easier on the floor. A kilogram of salt per basin.


Q: Can water be added as it evaporates?

A: It would be better to replace it. Once the water evaporates, the salt has already been used. It's also good to replace the salt.


Q: Can you put your feet in it so that the salt draws energy out of you?

A: Yes, you can do that.


Q: Can it be just salt?

A: Water as well, as if creating a layer to retain the energy in the basin. But it can also be just salt.


Q: As therapists, after a full day of work, how long should we keep our feet in the salt for it to be effective?

A: 30 minutes.


Q: Does baking soda also help with cleansing, for example, in the shower?

A: They see that baking soda is better for physical cleansing rather than energy cleansing. Salt is more concentrated.


Q: What kind of salt?

A: Sea salt. They see that every salt is good, but sea salt is the best because it contains some remnants of dead microorganisms. Rock salt doesn't work as well.


Q 6: What about crystals? Do crystals help amplify certain energies or not?

A: They say that crystals depend on each person. The same crystal can help one person while causing harm to another. So someone should inform it. Each person should inform their crystal themselves individually.


Q: Can someone else do it for you, or do you have to do it yourself?

A: Someone else can, but they would have to recognize what is good for that person. I can inform the crystal based on what I think is good, but it may harm you. I have to inform the crystal specifically for you. Some energy may be pleasing to me, but what is yours?


Q: Can you do that for everyone, or only for people you know?

A: For everyone.


Q: Which crystals are good for us?

A: It's not about specific crystals; even a salt stone could be good.


Q 7: How can you protect yourself from a specific person?

A: They say that physical distance is the most effective, as anything mental depends on your current state of mind. How balanced you are on that particular day. Physical distance remains the same regardless of whether you're in a good mood or not.


Q: Is there any way to create some kind of protection, like someone informing a crystal or something similar?

A: They say it's possible, but it would require regular renewal. It needs to be recharged like a battery.


Q: How do you recharge it?

A: It needs to be informed again.


Q: Does it depend on usage, a certain period of time, or how much contact it has with that person? Can it be depleted more quickly, or is it a cyclical thing?

A: It lasts approximately one to two months within a general timeframe.


Q: Is it necessary to place it in the sun, or does it need to be informed again?

A: They say the sun charges it with energy, but not with our energy.


Q: Does it need our energy?

A: Yes, that crystal wouldn't harm you when charged by the sun, but it also wouldn't provide much benefit.


Q: The same with the moon?

A: Yes. The idea behind the crystal is that when you run out of energy, you draw from it. That crystal is for you, not for others. So when you run out of energy, it's like your reserve. And when you draw from it too often, it becomes empty and needs to be recharged.


Q: So you recharge the crystal and deplete it? It doesn't protect you from that person, but it replenishes your energy, and with that energy, you protect yourself from that person?

A: Yes, and they say it can be anything that has some kind of life. It doesn't have to be a stone; it could be a crystal, salt, seashell, etc.


Q: What about the earth?

A: Yes, soil too...


Q: Water?

A: It doesn't contain anything with life. It needs to be something alive; there's nothing alive in it. It could even be a plant, but it dies too quickly.


Q: What about a tree?

A: Yes, but it wouldn't be fair to the tree.


Q: If we go into a deep hypnotic trance, can we recharge it by connecting with our own energy?

A: They say it's possible even consciously. Just hold it in your hands for a while and focus. By physically transferring energy to that object, it's not a placebo. You recharge the battery, and then you carry it with you, drawing from it when you become empty. So, if another person informs it—for example, if your energy is red and mine is blue—I could charge it with blue, thinking it's good for you. I have to see through you what your energy is and forcefully inform it through that. Because unless I do you wouldn't benefit from it.


Q: How can we know if the crystal has been informed and that it's not just a placebo or something similar? Can it be determined?

A: They say that even if it's a placebo, it doesn't matter because the goal is for you to feel better, and if it works, it doesn't matter what path it took.


Q: Do we need to physically clean the stone under water?

A: They say no. But it's good to replace them completely every now and then because they lose their energy—about every year or two, you should get new ones.


Q: Are there any useful crystals in crystal stores?

A: They say most of them are lifeless, but the larger ones have a smaller chance of being lifeless. They see that it's not that the crystal itself is useless, but when they break it into smaller pieces, it can't hold as much energy. The larger the crystal, the greater the chance it can hold more energy.


Q: Grabovoi numbers for informing?

A: Similar to a horoscope. Something general is not useful. They say it's not necessary. They say the problem with crystals is that people buy them only because they feel they need them. Physically, no one can harm us so much that it hurts us. Except if it physically harms you. Mentally, they say that everyone is so focused on their own lives that they don't see they have the energy to harm others. We are all stingy with energy and won't give it away - even in the case of negative energy - that still drains you, and people are stingy with energy.


Q 8: What if someone pays someone else to perform a curse?

A: They say that even if that person is capable of casting a negative curse, they won't do it because they are stingy and won't take negative "karma" upon themselves. Yes, that person could harm someone else but wouldn't allow it because they think, "What if it comes back to me?" Those people who can actually do it know that they can't do it without certain consequences.


Q 9: Energy healing, do we feel the energy passing through us? Are we also stingy? When someone practices energy healing, does the energy pass through them, or is it their own energy, or are they just a conduit?

A: In energy healing, we use only the energy of the person being healed to heal them. We heal them because they cannot heal themselves. We do not use any of our own energy in the process.


Q: Then why do many bioenergetics practitioners get sick? Even with cancer...

A: Because they do not know how to use their own energy to heal themselves.


Q: So they can help others but not themselves?

A: Yes.


Q: There is no karmic punishment?

A: No. Our emotions interfere with healing ourselves. But we can objectively view and heal others.


Q: Does that mean that the person would have developed that specific illness regardless, even if they didn't have a client they were treating?

A: Yes.


Q 10: How to calm the ego during self-hypnosis?

A: They say that there is nothing wrong with the ego as long as it does not hinder us on the path we want to take. Sometimes we have to let another person do things for us. Another person helps us diminish our ego. We need an external source - as if we haven't been obedient enough to ourselves.


Q 11: Dietary supplements, do they actually help the immune system? What can help?

A: They say that dietary supplements cannot harm, but they also cannot help as much as they are heavily marketed. Real medications cannot be bought at a drugstore. You would have to consume a large quantity for there to be any effect. Supplements wouldn't be necessary if the food we consume is normal and balanced.


Q 12: What is a normal diet?

A: Whole, unprocessed.


Edit: You can read more about this topic here.


Q 13: What does it mean when feces smell?

A: It means that the body smells.


Q 14: Drinking water, hydration. Is there a specific amount of water we should drink per day?

A: Water is not that important. The body needs it more to keep the organs juicy. It also helps in thinning the blood and similar functions. But a glass a day would be enough if you don't consume salt. When you don't eat salt, your body doesn't retain as much water, so you don't sweat as much and don't lose as much water. All the water that enters the body should be used immediately, and the body maintains it for approximately 24 hours.


Q 15: Coffee. Does coffee dehydrate the body?

A: They say that coffee acts as a kind of stimulant. More like a drug than sugar. It slightly speeds up the body. An excess.


Q 16: What exercises are recommended for visual impairment?

A: It depends on the individual, as visual impairment can have psychological causes.


Q 17: Are UV rays a problem?

A: They say that the sun itself shouldn't be harmful, but we have damaged our atmosphere to the extent that certain rays reach us which ideally shouldn't. However, all these sunscreens that exist do more harm than those sun rays. With protection, you can do more harm than good. Water, during summer, water on the face, body. Water provides protection.


Q 18: Do you have any message for this group?

A: Don't be too hard on yourselves.