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10 Meditative Writings for Everyday Life and Higher AwarenessWould you like to add '10 Meditative Writings for Everyday Life and Higher Awareness'?


Sometimes messages come to me through soul work and spontaneous writing. I call this meditative or automatic writing. It consists of short and powerful explanations of everyday topics.


Includes topics: Sleep, Karma, Goal, Ego, Soul, Job, Self-improvement, Couples therapy, Children, and Family.


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Question: How do they perceive prostate problems?

Answer: They say that it is of psychological origin, when a person cannot express themselves verbally, the body finds other ways to express itself. Problems with the prostate are triggered by a long-standing habit of not expressing oneself.

Q: Is this lack of expression related to a partner, children, or work?

A: No, general. Depends on the person.

Q: So, it's not about repressed sexual energy?

A: No, they don't see any connection with that.

Q: What can a person do?

A: They can change their functioning habits as an individual. They can work on themselves, and so on.

Q: Does a person express themselves when they work on themselves?

A: No, that is the process of learning expression. Through that, one learns how to express themselves.

Q: How can a person figure out what they need to express?

A: That is something each individual must determine for themselves. And that is the purpose of working on oneself.



These pieces of information are of a general nature. In case of illness, consult your doctor.