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10 Meditative Writings for Everyday Life and Higher AwarenessWould you like to add '10 Meditative Writings for Everyday Life and Higher Awareness'?


Sometimes messages come to me through soul work and spontaneous writing. I call this meditative or automatic writing. It consists of short and powerful explanations of everyday topics.


Includes topics: Sleep, Karma, Goal, Ego, Soul, Job, Self-improvement, Couples therapy, Children, and Family.


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Question: How Does Karma and Karmic Debt Work?

Answer: Karma, or what we think it is, is basically just energy. I give, you give. A kind of transaction like any other. It is not always good or bad. Sometimes we get the good with the bad and vice versa. This is what we think is bad. Energy is the same for us and our soul. That is why sometimes people think they have foreign debts from past lives. But in reality, we can never be in true debt because energy transactions are always completed.


If the idea of debt worked the way we think, we would be more in debt with each transaction after one debt. We could never settle the original one. If we had -1 point and the other thing or person had -2 and we wanted to "repay" them, it would go to 0 and -1. So we would still be in debt. And it would always remain that way. Therefore, it does not work like that; the scale is always balanced, even when we think it is not. When we receive, we always give. When we give, we always receive. The question is only if we receive through the path we wanted. This is not important for "karma," but for us.


Q: Why Do We Then Feel Wronged?

A: Because we do not see what we received. This does not always include material or obvious foundations. It can only include a lesson or a feeling. When we realize this, we will feel balanced.


Q: Why Do Some People Do Bad Things but Do Not Experience Bad Consequences?

A: Because, for them, they are not bad. For a murderer, murder is not negative; it is just an action they want to trigger. For a butcher as well. For a politician too. If that thing in any measure were not part of a bigger picture, it would not be allowed to them. They would not be able to get weapons, etc. But they do. Because they have some meaning here today. If it were "bad," it would not exist. If there could only be sunshine, there would be no rain.


Q: What About When We Lose Important People? Loved Ones?

A: This is a difficult question because it is also related to us, not just to them. In most cases, it was their time to move on. Their role either ended or was more needed somewhere else. This is not easy to understand for people who are very present here today. But every path has its own goal. And when it is completed, it is time for the next one. Life here is a gift to us, and unfortunately, we cannot control when this gift will be taken from us. We can only trust that even those above have a list of priorities if a soul is needed elsewhere. Not just for other people but for us too.


We can only trust that they have not gone to a better place, but to do better. The soul and energy are wise enough to know what they are doing. And if it did not make sense, it would not put itself in a situation where that would happen. This is hard to hear. It is not expected of us to understand.


Q: What About Karma and Suicide?

A: It is similar with suicide. Their soul no longer had a mission here. If it did, it would not allow it to get to that point. It would seek help and similar. Clearly, it objectively assessed that its energy is more useful elsewhere. A soul can also change its mind and not want to be here. Not always, but it can. It is important to know that there is a difference between truly having no sense to be here and just feeling that way. If we just feel it and it has no real energetic basis, we rarely succeed. They will try to prevent it.


Q: Why Would Someone Only Feel a Lack of Life Without the Soul's Basis?

A: There are several reasons, such as body imbalances, illnesses, etc. Or the mind with a certain situation. Some situations burden us to the point that we no longer see a way out, even when there is a very big one. This can be prevented by recording current opportunities. What is possible for us. When the mind tries to focus on the positive, only then can the soul intervene and offer help. Even if it is of a physical nature. Find at least a temporary form of balance so that we can move into the long-term.



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