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10 Meditative Writings for Everyday Life and Higher AwarenessWould you like to add '10 Meditative Writings for Everyday Life and Higher Awareness'?


Sometimes messages come to me through soul work and spontaneous writing. I call this meditative or automatic writing. It consists of short and powerful explanations of everyday topics.


Includes topics: Sleep, Karma, Goal, Ego, Soul, Job, Self-improvement, Couples therapy, Children, and Family.


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Q: How do they see diabetes?

A: They say that it is mostly associated with a physical imbalance. In the mental case, the result is the same.

Q: What psychological cause could trigger diabetes?

A: Emotions that lead to improper eating habits. The psychological cause of diabetes only occurs in cases where it develops in adulthood and is not congenital. In the case of congenital diabetes, it depends on the poor development of the young body itself or in connection with the mother.


Q: Can you further define emotions?

A: Emotional eating, feeding emotions, eating disorders, etc. There are no specific emotions (relationships, children, etc.). It is highly individual.

Q: Can they explain how this disease develops physically?

A: The pancreas begins to produce too much or too little insulin. That is widely known. Unless it is inherited, it is related to food. Some kind of pancreatic irritation.

Q: Doesn’t this happen happen to everyone? Why do some people get diabetes while others don't?

A: All bodies have different sensitivities to various factors.

Q: Why does the pancreas stop working?

A: Because it is not properly constructed. It's something genetic. Diabetes can be inherited from the mother.

Q: Is it a modern disease, or has it been around for a while?

A: They say it's not entirely a new disease because organ anomalies have always existed. However, in recent times, it has been caused by food. In the past, it was caused by different additives (copper utensils, etc.).

Q: Did people used to die from diabetes a long time ago?

A: Yes.

Q: Didn't they intuitively start eating differently?

A: No, because in most cases, an external factor caused diabetes. Excessive insulin can be regulated with food, but a lack of it cannot. They see that in the case of insulin deficiency and when the pancreas is not physically poorly constructed, it could be helped with electrical stimulation.

Q: How would that work?

A: To see that, it would have to reach the organ. Ideally, direct organ electrostimulation would be the best.

Q: What about electromagnetic impulses?

A: Yes, that would work too.

Q: Why is it called sweet disease in some languages?

A: Because it usually develops due to sugar.

Q: Not because the blood is sweet?

A: That's just a consequence.

Q: Do they have any advice for people with diabetes?

A: Reduce or eliminate processed sugar and food, except for fruit. Fruit is fine.

Q: A trivial question... Does the body differentiate between natural sugar and artificial sugar?

A: The problem is not so much in the sugar itself but in the quantity we get from a single meal. The body will never be able to consume as much sugar from the fruit as it can from processed sugar, or in the case of processed food. For example, there is much more sugar in a can of Coke than in a piece of fruit.

Q: How much fruit would someone have to eat to consume the same amount of sugar as in a can of Coca-Cola?

A: Coke contains only sugar, while fruit contains a lot of other elements (vitamins, minerals, water, fiber) that inhibit sugar absorption. They say they can't talk about quantities because it involves other processes.


These pieces of information are of a general nature. In case of illness, consult your doctor.